Lexeek Style System Test Suite

1. Typography Test

Header Level 1

Header Level 2

Header Level 3

Header Level 4

Header Level 5
Header Level 6

Regular text paragraph with different styles:

This is normal text. Here's some bold text, some italic text, and some strikethrough text.

This is alternative text styling.

2. Interactive Elements

3. Content Blocks


Unordered List:

  • First unordered item
  • Second unordered item
  • Third unordered item

Ordered List:

  1. First ordered item
  2. Second ordered item
  3. Third ordered item


This is a blockquote example. It should have distinct styling from regular text and a left border.


Inline code: const example = "test";

function testFunction() {
    console.log("This is a code block example");
    return true;


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Row 1, Cell 1 Row 1, Cell 2 Row 1, Cell 3
Row 2, Cell 1 Row 2, Cell 2 Row 2, Cell 3

4. Widgets and Surfaces

This is a widget component with hover state
This is content with alternative surface styling